Pere Lacomba

Pere Lacomba

Hi, wellcome to my personal portfolio. I’m an available freelance illustrator and graphic designer located in Mallorca, where I work out of my own studio ARTILUS with my partner Carmen. Due to my artistic education -Bachelor’s Degree Fine Arts University BarcelonaI’m also a painter with solo and colective exhibitions. Here you find a showcase of the most interesting work.

Main areas: Illustration, graphic design, branding&identity, education and art.

I’ve been working as a creative and graphic designer with my partner Camen Luna in our studio ARTILUS taller gràfic since 1998 till these days. We have evolved in five main areas: graphic design, branding, illustration, web design and education.

We began as an informal ‘drawing-design club’, quickly evolving into a creative studio and collaborative design practice. ARTILUS studio works flexibly with clients to fulfil their design needs. We are used to working with collaborators with different profiles and needs: printing works, programmers, copywriters or sign makers.

Actually we are based in Palma de Mallorca and frequently work in Barcelona, Zurich and beyond. We have clients as far afield as Germany, Singapore or Switzerland and we are happy to work wherever we are needed. We always try focus on creating a unique experience by stretching the boundaries of design and illustration, giving birth to new ideas as the process evolves. We like to hear from our customers to enrich design process. We are always involved 100 % throughout, and our clients will end up with a meaningful result that lasts.

Been at it for over twenty years!


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